By your Grace, Lord,
Long Ago has become my Friend
…singing softly of your Power to Save.
And by your same Faithful Grace,
the Darkness of what is Yet To Be,
is a Provocation to Hope
…Reaching back into Now.
For the Past, now conquered
and testifying to your Truth,
is forever consigned
to point to a Future
filled with your Unchanging Mercy.
What was, and what is to be,
is cause to Praise,
to fall deeper in Love.
Lord, I can only love you this Moment Now,
in this your Gift of Today.
Here, you are my Refuge,
my Abode of Truth,
where your Mighty Right Hand sustains me,
where you are the Rock shoring up my feet;
where you cloak me in the Comfort of your Word.
Today, this Sacred Moment Now,
is enough to Be in You.