Do Not Be Afraid!
My Beloved Child,
You Belong to Me.
The God, who cherishes You,
Holds All Things in existence.
How then, can you be Afraid?
A Leaf cannot Fall,
Nor a Bolt of Lightning let fly
-unless I Permit it.
All who Call upon my Name I Save.
How then, can you be Afraid?
I Am the Lord, your God.
I Know how Tomorrow unfolds.
I Know the plan of Hope I have for you.
My promises Belong to You.
How then, can you be Afraid?
My Beloved Child,
You Bear my Name,
Carry my Father’s Love,
and Possess my Holy Spirit.
Go Forth then,
-in Faith and Joy.
Share what you Know to be True.
Tell my People,
“Do Not be Afraid!”