Thursday, December 19, 2024

 Christmas Thoughts

My Lord and God,

It is in You that I Live and Move and Exist.

How can it then be,

That You have Come to Dwell within Me!

Oh Holy Night,

Where has your Darkness gone!

What was Hidden is now Revealed.

Love has given Birth.

Our God has come to live Among us.

A Babe has Changed the world!

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

                                                     A Heart’s Prayer

 “Listen daughter, pay careful attention: forget your nation and your ancestral home, then the king will fall in love with your beauty.  He is your master now, bow down to him.” (Ps 45:10-11)


Father God,

       It is You, who with a Word, spoke our Vast and Glorious universe into existence; and, it is in You, that all things Remain and find their Meaning.

       It is You, who sent your only Son, to exchange his Life for us -to be our Lord and our Savior -even as we vainly chose a life of Death.

       It is You, who Redeemed us from sin, who Opened our minds to your Truth and our hearts to your Love.

       It is You, who like an earthly father giving away the bride, you give our souls over as Bride -to be ever Espoused in love to your Holy Spirit.

       It is You, who has Gifted us with our Blessed Mother, who leads us into that Surrendered Yes -to your Plan for our life.

          Now, we too, in the words of our Mother, are driven to say, “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord and my spirit exalts in God my savior”.

       Father God, you have Wonderfully made us -in the image of your Son, and poured into our hearts the Tender Love of your Holy Spirit.  

I bow down to you, my Alpha and Omega.